Quality of Life: How Estate Planning Attorneys Can Influence Clients Lives

Steve Barlam,Chief Professional Officer and Co-Founder of LivHome
Steve Barlam co-founded LivHOME in 1999 with Mike Nicholson, Chief Executive Officer. Since 1984, Steve has worked exclusively in the field of geriatric care management. His experience draws from work in both the nonprofit family services arena as well as from his own private for-profit care management firm. Steve is a Certified Care Manager (CMC) and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Steve earned his master’s degree from the University of California at Berkeley. Steve is a recognized leader in the field of geriatric care management and is professionally active as a speaker and writer at both the local and national levels. He is actively involved in the professional credentialing process for care managers through his involvement with the National Academy of Certified Care Managers.
Additionally, Steve serves the interests of the geriatric community through the following associations: National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, past board member and president; Stroke Association of Southern California, board member and past president; National Academy of Certified Care Managers, board member; National Association of Social Workers and American Society on Aging.