EPCRC - June 2, "Online Office Games" Year-End Social

It's like a virtual office Olympics; it is a mashup of fun competitions. These virtual games are designed to create friendships, forge bonds, build skills and inspire strong team work. Like real-world sporting events, this online version is both competitive and collaborative.
At the Online Office Games, participants will form small teams then craft slogans, compete in world class trivia, play games like "Can You Hear Me Now?" and otherwise have a damn good time. The trivia includes challenging multiple choice questions, number games, lightning scavenger hunts and more fun mechanics. "Can You Hear Me Now?" is ostensibly a communication training game, and it is also just really fun. At the end, we tally the points and celebrate the teams.
Our mission is for you and your coworkers to love your work. We believe teams are made of extraordinary individuals, and that together we can really shake the world into its best alignment. We obsess over building strong teams, so that yours can achieve its highest potential.
Before we were teambuilding.com, we had a few market-leading team building brands. The most popular is Museum Hack, which leads unconventional tours of the best museums. Museum Hack is a well known activity with tourists, in the museum world and as a team building provider. Partly because we were featured in the New York Times and other major outlets. Celebrities like Emilia Clarke, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Clayton Kershaw and Tony Hawk tour with us. Clarke’s visit was the back drop for a Vanity Fair cover story. Via The Great Guac Off, we run office guacamole making competitions for companies like YouTube, Salesforce, Deloitte and many others. teambuilding™️ combines the creative energy and success of our best activities under one parent brand. Now, in addition to enterprise clients, we are a leading service provider for the US Air Force and other government entities around the world. We provide services to organizations in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Sweden, Singapore, Australia, South Africa and other regions.
In 2021, we are very focused on virtual team building, obviously. We’ve run thousands of virtual events for clients like Apple, Amazon, Google, NASA, Netflix, The Royal Bank of Canada and United Way. We are the go-to provider for team building online with 21,000+ “we loved it!” reviews.